DG EAC Surveys
- From university to employment: Higher education provision and labour market needs in Bosnia and HerzegovinaHigher education provision and labour market needs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- From University to Employment: Higher Education Provision and Labour Market Needs In the Western BalkansWestern Balkans
Overview of the Higher Education System in Bosnia and Herzegovina
EACEA publications about ERASMUS+ programme 2017:
- Erasmus+ Credit Mobility 2017
- Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 2017
- Erasmus+ Capacity-building in the field of higher education
- Erasmus+ Jean Monnet
- Erasmus+ Youthin Action
- Marie Curie - Skwodowska
- Flyer summarizing 4 actions relevant for HE
EACEA publications about ERASMUS+ programme 2016:
Erasmus+ leaflet for students and staff (A4 tri-fold) Come to Study or Teach in Europe with Erasmus+ Languages available: EN, FR, ES, PT, RU, AR, CH |
Erasmus+ leaflet for HEI (A4 tri-fold) Working Together with European Higher Education Institutions Languages available: EN, FR, ES, PT, RU, AR, CH |
Jean Monnet leaflet (A4 tri-fold)
Language available : EN
Jean Monnet leaflet (A4 tri-fold) Jean Monnet - 25 years Language available : EN, FR, DE |
Brochure (30 pages) Commission Communication "European Higher Education in the world" Language available: EN, FR, DE
Erasmus+ "What's in it for me? - Higher Education (60 pages) (C1)
Language available : EN |
Erasmus+ "What's in it for me?" brochure (40 pages) (DG)
Language available: EN, will be available in the other official languages |
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (C3)
Language available : official languages +RU+ Japonais + AR, Chinois
Marie Curie Pocket Guide (C3)
Language available : EN
NEW: Boost your research career – Come to Europe (ERCEA)
Language available : EN Soon on bookshop
NEW: Youth–International Dimension of non-formal Learning Opportunities in the field of Youth (D1)
Erasmus+ Programme:
All relevant EACEA publications about TEMPUS can be found here:
Publications/reports on Higher Education systems and policy developments:
- Overview of the Higher Education System in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012
- Bologna process national reports
- 'Study on the organisation of doctoral Programmes in EU neighbouring countries: Practices, developments and regional trends', under the responsibility of the European Commission, DG Education & Culture, December 2010
- 'Study on the organisation of doctoral studies in EU neighbouring countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina', under the responsibility of the European Commission, DG Education and Culture, December 2010